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About the Study

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The Stanford Home Sleep Study studies participants with or without sleep-time teeth grinding for a remote study that investigates the relationship between well-being and sleep. Our study utilizes medical-grade physiological devices from the comfort of a participant’s home and requires no in-person contact.

Please note that we are not admitting new participants at this time. Be sure to keep an eye out for future studies!

Four Easy Steps

The study consists of four easy steps.

Step 1: Online personality survey and text tutorial

Fill out a survey about your personality and well-being (60 min), and complete a text tutorial to learn how to complete the text surveys you'll encounter later in the study (30 min).

Step 2: Virtual Introduction and Device Introduction

Attend two Zoom calls: a virtual introduction to the study (45 min) and an introduction to the devices you’ll be wearing to observe your activity and sleep (30 min).

Step 3: Two-week at-home sleep and activity tracking

For two weeks, go about your regular day and night while wearing three devices that observe your natural activity and sleep. Answer short text surveys when you go to sleep, when you wake up, and three times during the day.

Step 4: Second personality survey

Complete a second personality survey (25 min).

Eligibility Criteria

You may be eligible if you are:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 49
  • Proficient in English
  • Residing in the United States 

Benefits and Compensation

  • Receive a personalized sleep report
  • Earn up to $80 for full participation in the form of an Amazon gift card
  • Contribute information that may help us develop novel interventions aimed at improving sleep and quality of life